OCI Services From the Best Passport Service Agency in Chennai

The Constitution of India prohibits multiple citizenship or dual citizenship, meaning an Indian citizen can not hold citizenship of any other country. Under certain conditions, minors of such citizens can have dual citizenship until they can decide their nationality. With the Citizenship Act 2005, the OCI(Overseas Citizenship of India) existed. It allows an overseas citizen with Indian roots to live in India without any time restraint and has almost equal rights, just like every other Indian citizen.

What is OCI ( Overseas Citizenship of India)?

An OCI card is an official document that permits a Person of Indian Origin (PIO) to stay in India for life and enjoy all the rights of an Indian citizen, except for voting or serving in any government job. With this card, PIOs can have multiple entries and access to India. They can work in India, have a business or profession, and travel like Indian citizens. The best part is that they can even buy lands and possessions in India.

international travel

Since the Indian constitution does not allow dual citizenship, the Overseas Citizenship Act, enforced in August 2005, streamlined the visa and documentation procedures for Persons of Indian Origin(PIO) and made them more painless.

Vaigai Wings is a passport service in Chennai that provides first-class OCI services and guidance and suggests workarounds if there’s any obstruction during the process.

Who is Eligible for an OCI Card?

The eligibility criteria for overseas citizens to obtain an OCI card are listed below.

  • A citizen of a foreign country, now, who, by chance, was a citizen of India before India adopted its Constitution in January 1950.
  • A citizen of a foreign country, now, who was a citizen of India when India adopted its Constitution in January 1950.
  • A citizen of a foreign country whose roots were tied to any territory of India before it got its independence.
  • The minors of such citizens can also get an OCI card if the country allows dual citizenship.

There are also specific criteria which do not allow an OCI card for those who have ever been to or are citizens of Pakistan or Bangladesh. If you are considering processing your OCI card, contact a passport consultant in Chennai to make your process easier.

Why Hire a Passport Agency for an OCI Card?

Certain conditions apply to OCI card holders who are denied entry into India. In 2021, the government of India re-categorized 4.5 million OCI card holders as foreign citizens and demoted their rights and privileges. Instead of living in India, they have instructed these foreign citizens to travel to India as tourists or to get special approval to conduct research and journalism in India.

In such cases, getting help from a travel agency or a passport agency in Chennai will assist and guide you through each step to make the process uncomplicated. Vaigai Wings will manage the application process from start to finish, making your dream a reality.


OCI service allows a Person of Indian Origin to enjoy the rights of a typical Indian with very few restrictions. They can stay in India for unlimited time. At Vaigai Wings, we assist with our clients’ online applications, check documentation, and provide full support regarding OCI services. We are the best passport service agency in Chennai and a trusted partner in your journey. We offer a wide range of services, including visa and passport services, to turn the dreams of many Indians into reality. Our travel agency in Chennai profoundly understands the process and commitment to meeting your expectations and demands, making us the ideal choice for all your passport and visa needs. To learn about the OCI services provided by Vaigai Wings, contact welcome@vaigai.com.